Hip Hop / Street – It's quick but cool.
Hiphop in Copenhagen - The teacher will slowly construct a series, by building small hiphop pieces that eventually will be put together for a super cool choreography.
Your child will move to a lot of good rhythms, with plenty of cool actions. The hip hop ia a challenging and exciting dance and when you get home you are ready for bed.
Hiphop is a composed by many different styles (Funk, Street, Girly, LA Urban Style, etc.) The teacher will try to go through as many styles as possible.

So try it - with Hip Hop in Copenhagen you have the opportunity to compete in Zealand Cup and The Danish Championships, where the best dancers in Denmark compete.
It is important for us that children's learn the saying "Lose and win with the same spirit" so that everyone has a great tournament, with high spirits.
It is our goal to create a fun and energetic dance atmosphere for the children, which makes happy and motivated students.
The only practical thing we want to mention is - since it is actually the only thing that is needed: It is important that the children wear som clothes they can move freely in and a water bottle.
We look forward to seeing you for some super cool Hip Hop hours. It is always exciting to see the children fulfill their dreams and desires. Contact us here if you have questions or you can also write an email to mail@soffie.dk.
Disco in Copenhagen - It has receded since the 80s!
You can also try our Disco in Copenhagen and it's not like you remember it from the old days. Today Disco is fast, paced and more athletic, almost into acrobatics.
Disco requires technique and a big body control, and therefore we always start the hour with a thorough warm-up, with a focus on agility, jumping technique and fitness.
Disco can be danced by both boys and girls, and really gives the kids dancing pleasure. If you have kids with high energy level, the Disco ia a great way for the kids to arrive tired at home.
In the classes the teacher will form small Disco pieces put together to form what is called a Disco Formation. This rutine will danced at our big show at the end of the season.
In the classroom they will also get some time for themselves, to choreograph their own Disco dancing, or together with a dance partner. The children are guided by the teacher, and all of the things they come up with will be checked out.
Join the contests:
In Disco you have the opportunity to compete in Zealand Cup and The Danish Championships, where the best dancers in Denmark participate. It is important for us that the children learn "Loose and win with the same spirit" so everyone can come and go to a tournament in a good mood.
So come and try our Disco in Copenhagen and become a part of our community!
Disco styles that you can compete in:
Disco Formation: This is the dance that will be created on the team.
Disco Solo: You participate with your own choreography that you have been a part of in the creation.
Disco Goups: You participate with your partner or partners with a common choreography of your own creation.
We look forward to seeing you at some super energetic Disco hours and follow your development towards your goals and dreams.
MGP - Dance to the latest children's songs!
MGP is for our youngest dancers, where we dance to MGP (Kids edition of Eurovision) music, and other popular children's songs. MGP-dance consists of a mix between Rhythm, Jazz Ballet, Disco and Hip Hop.
The children learn the basic techniques of the different dances and that will benefit them if they have to choose and continue to dance either Ballroom dancing, Hip Hop or Disco as they get older.
Our purpose of the course is to strengthen the children's movement skills, balance, rhythm and simultaneously their social, empathetic and physical abilities.
At MGP we teach small simple dance combinations that are easy for kids to remember. The dances are helping to develop their coordination, concentration and of course their joy for dancing.
It is important that the children have clothes that they can move freely in and a water bottle.
We look forward to seeing some super cool MGP children!
Musical – Kulminationen af det hele.
Musical er en kombination af dans, sang og skuespil. Det er for dig som elsker at lave teater og har en god fantasi.
På vores Musical hold har vi fokus på, at udvikle børnene og lærer dem at bryde nogle grænser. Skuespillet ses i mange dansestilarter og det er derfor godt for børnene, at have et kendskab til skuespil. Det kan jo også være de går med en drøm om, at komme på teater en dag.
I undervisningen skriver børnene selv manuskripter og bruger deres kreative evner til at opbygge rekvisitter.
De arbejder i fællesskab med instruktøren på, at opnå det bedste resultat. Børnene sparrer med hinanden og de lærer nogle nye sider at kende, som de måske ikke vidste de havde. Børnene hygger sig med det, og der er plads til alle.
Her er det vigtigt at børnene har noget løst tøj på, som de kan bevæge sig i. Vi skal både danse og lave skuespil og det er vigtigt at tøjet ikke er til gene under timen. Så går du med en lille skuespiller drøm i maven, så er vores musical hold lige noget for dig!
Vi glæder os til at se jer til nogle kreative Musical timer, og følge jeres udvikling, på vej mod jeres mål og drømme.
Har du fået lyst til at starte op på et dansehold?
Kontakt os endelig hvis du har spørgsmål eller vil i gang med dans her.